Hope you had a nice holiday, for most of y'all it'll be back to the daily grind I suppose, meanwhile I'm out here in Seoul still. Hopefully going to Pusan to check out some Korean Keirin racing next week or the week after, and maybe some PRIDE fighting in between? Pretty crazy here, the whole country drinks like a first year university student. Anyway, it's still brutal cold here, not much in the way of eye candy to report. Most of the bikes here seem to be of the crappy variety, from strange dual suspension 20" folders to freak bikes with a 16" rear and a 26" front, and oddly enough, plenty of huge cruisers. Going fast here in the streets is waaaay sketchy, even moreso than midtown in rush hour; no one is paying any semblance of attention and half the cab drivers are watching TV on their GPS's, no joke. Otherwise, the food is great and booze is cheap. Velodrome pics to come (hopefully).
HAPPY 2k10!
Meanwhile, some great pics have popped up on the NYCfixed forums recently, here's a few of my fav's...


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